Welcome to Texas Gun Trust!
The BEST NFA Gun Trust Available !!
The BEST NFA Gun Trust Available !!

Texas Gun Trust
Average rating: 342 reviews
August 30, 2018 by Matt C. on Texas Gun Trust
These folks are just plain awesome! If you’ve been thinking about doing this for a while, just cough up the $79 and take the 10 minutes to do this. You will not regret it.
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a better value for a product that provides such peace of mind.
August 17, 2018 by Troy M. on Texas Gun Trust
my laminated gun trust is perfect.
August 9, 2018 by Marq W. on Texas Gun Trust
I found a bunch of different places that provide gun trusts but I lucked into Texas Gun Trust. I came to realize that the service from them is more than meets the eye and the service after I purchased my trust is second to none. The extras are too many to describe here but you’ll understand after you get your trust. I was hesitant to ask so many questions, but they were very friendly, timely, and responsive to help everytime. Don’t bother with the other companies Texas Gun Trust is all you need.
Thank you very much for the great service.
July 28, 2018 by Kelly L. on Texas Gun Trust
I looked into getting a gun trust for a few weeks before deciding on a company to use. I narrowed it down to two companies, but finally decided on Texas Gun Trust because they guaranteed that a lawyer would review my gun trust before sending it to me. The other company guaranteed the gun trust would arrive within 5 minutes and I knew there was just no way they would be ablle to review my information in 5 minutes.
July 17, 2018 by Stewart S. on Texas Gun Trust
July 7, 2018 by Robert K. on Texas Gun Trust
The mini laminated trust is the way to go. Fits in my range bag perfectly. gonna order another one for my gun case.
June 22, 2018 by Justin on Texas Gun Trust
Thank you for the excellent explanation, guidance, and customer service. I’m very impressed with the ATF Application System, makes things much easier and I’m sure reduces the human error which inevitably makes happier customers. And thank you for answering my question about where to enter the Importer’s information on the Form 1. That is exactly the response I was seeking, thanks for the support and outstanding customer service.
Yall keep up the good work and have a blessed day!
June 21, 2018 by Chaz K Jr. Document Protection Package
This may be the coolest thing ever. I got a sweet binder with a laminated copy of my trust and another copy in the page protection sleeves. You guys did such a good job that I’m gonna get one of the miniature laminated trusts.
June 21, 2018 by Trevor T. on Texas Gun Trust
My Executive Portfolio is great and it cost less than half of the other guys. Thanks so much.
June 19, 2018 by Bob D on Texas Gun Trust
The Texas Gun Trust web site was very easy to use and the cost was very reasonable.
June 12, 2018 by Thad on Texas Gun Trust
I was real careful when I filled out my information for my new Texas Gun Trust. 30 minutes later I got my new Gun Trust abd a list of the 5 correctons thay had to make for me. I feel stupid for making so many mistakes, but I feel awesome about my decision to use Texas Gun Trust!
August 19, 2018 by Chris P. on Texas Gun Trust
This is my first gun trust and Texas Gun Trust made it extremely simple, but incredibly professional at the same time. Gun Trusts are not any easy task, but these guys nailed it. I will definitely recommend this company to anyone I know lookinmg for a gun trust.
June 1, 2018 by Scott J. on Texas Gun Trust
The miniature laminated gun trust clips onto my sniper bag just right. Looks Great!
May 27, 2018 by Krissy H. on Texas Gun Trust
I’ve been researching Gun Trusts for a while, but never pulled the trigger because I just didn’t understand the process. After reading the articles on Texas Gun Trust website, I felt a lot more confident about the process. Instead of cut-and-past generalizations from other websites, Texas Gun Trust has extremely detailed articles and directions that explain the process in a way that makes sense.
I bought the gun trust and used the Form 4 and Form 23 Application System to complete the process. Everything was great from start to finish!
May 24, 2018 by ====Joe P. ==== on Texas Gun Trust
You guys make this too easy!
May 20, 2018 by ====Tracy S. ==== on Texas Gun Trust
Some guys at the gun store were talking about their gun trusts. One of them had a three page fill-in-the-blank template that cost him $99. The other guy had a trust from Texas Gun Trust that only cost him $69. I looked at both of the trusts and it was obvious that Texas Gun Trust one was clearly the real deal. It was about 10 times thicker than the other one not including the five pages of directions that were with it. The gun store owner said that the fill-in-the-blank trust was probably going to get denied by the ATF, but that Texas Gun Trust trust would be approved for sure.
I figured I would need help filling out the information form, so I did it right there at the gun shop. I didn’t need any help at all because the Gun Trust form had great directions and examples. I checked my email when I got home and my trust was already done.
May 19, 2018 by Paul T. on Texas Gun Trust
Texas Gun Trust web site has every thing you would want in a Gun Trust website. Everything was easy to find, super detailed, and made me a lot smarter about gun trusts. The customer service you get at Texas Gun Trust is awesome, and their NFA Gun Trust is as professional as it gets! You can’t go wrong using Texas Gun Trust, whether it’s to get a gun trust, or just to get a better understanding about anything related to gun trusts.
May 11, 2018 by Mike W. on Texas Gun Trust
Brand new to any kind of trust or any legal document Can’t think of anything to make it better. It was easy and dummy proof. TGT is great and easy to deal with
May 8, 2018 by Brian B. on Texas Gun Trust
My Gun Trust was completely customized and it I got it within an hour of the time I submitted my information. The Directions Packet that came with my Gun Trust were so helpful. Before I got my trust I felt overwhelmed by the whole ATF silencer process. But, after I read the directions that came with my trust, it all made sense.
May 7, 2018 by Ron R. on Texas Gun Trust
The information on your website is very easy to find and very detailed. Creating my gun trust was simple with the detailed directions in the gun trust form.
May 4, 2018 by Ivan V. on Texas Gun Trust
I bought a trust from Texas Gun Trust in 2015, but never got around to building my SBR. When I finally decided to send in a Form 1 to the ATF, I couldn’t find my trust. I filled out one of the contact forms and explained my problem. 10 minutes later I got a email with a copy of my trust from Texas Gun Trust. They also sent me a new packet of directions and a link to the ATF Form 1 Application System.
These dudes are awesome!
May 3, 2018 by Jeremy P. on Texas Gun Trust
My friend and me decided to add each other as Co-Trustees on our gun trusts so we can share our toys. I emailed my buddy’s Jed T. to Texas Gun Trust and told them what I wanted to do. I received an amendment to my gun trust that made my friend a trustee later that day. My friend got his trust from a place that made it in 5 minutes and he didn’t have as much luck. 2 weeks later they finally told him his trust didn’t allow cotrustees and he needed to upgrade to a higher packeage before he could have cotrustees. He paid $100 more and it took two weeks before he got his papers.
It didn’t cost me anything to add my friend to my trust.
April 30, 2018 by Grayson S. on Texas Gun Trust
After reading a review about Texas Gun Trust on The Firing Line I decided to buy a gun trust. Because of the low cost I wasn’t expecting much, but I was wrong. My trust was 18 pages long and completely customized with my information. And it came with a note from Texas Gun Trust Lawyer that explained they made a change to some of my info. I guess I got in a hurry and entered my Mark E. as a Successor Trustee. They figured out the correct county and entered it for me. These guys are awesome!
April 26, 2018 by Victor K. on Texas Gun Trust
Originally I decided I would add 6 cotrustees because Texas Gun Trust doesn’t have a limit. After my Trust was done I found out two of the cotrustees didn’t want to deal with the hassle of getting fingerprinted, so I asked texas Gun trust to remove them. They made the changes within 30 minutes. Then another cotrustee wanted out, so I had them revise the gun trust again. Then my wife pointed out that I forgot to enter one of the grandkids as a Beneficiary, so they revised my trust again. Then, I read something on the Texas Gun Trust website about adding cotrustees after getting the taxstamp. So I asked them to take all of the Co-Trustees off. About an hour later I got trust version number five. Thanks for putting up with me and making all the changes. Best customer service anywhere.
April 20, 2018 by Terry J. on Texas Gun Trust
April 17, 2018 by Dave L. on Texas Gun Trust
Your website is so much better than the others. I almost didn’t believe it was real until I got my gun trust.
April 15, 2018 by Brent G. on Texas Gun Trust
My first NFA Trust was done by a highly recommended gun lawyer, over 10 years ago, it cost me over $2000! This is just as detailed, MUCH easier to understand, and although I had my doubts, it was super easy. I am terrible with technology, so I was apprehensive about doing this by computer. With multiple co-trustees, multiple successor trustees and multiple beneficiaries, it still only took me about 20 minutes to fill out the form.
April 15, 2018 by Stew S. on Texas Gun Trust
When I decided to go with Texas Gun Trust for my trust it was a shot in the dark, but I am sure glad I did. Texas Gun Trust will get back to you VERY fast if you have any questions. Texas Gun Trust has truly give
April 13, 2018 by John H. on Texas Gun Trust
Crazy fast and perfect. Thanks!
April 8, 2018 by Vince G. on Texas Gun Trust
I was a bit hesitant, but decided to take a chance. My trust is way better thean my friends. And he paid 3 x as much. I definitely recommend Texas Gun Trust to anyone in the market for a high quality trust.
April 6, 2018 by Doug D. on Texas Gun Trust
I could take 2 hrs to write a review,and fluff it up. But I’ll cut to the chase. This company works for you. I always get a fast reply to my questions. They make it worry free. Hands down best way to get a trust done. 2 thumbs up.
April 1, 2018 by Bud G. on Texas Gun Trust
You guys are incredible. Thanks for making all the changes.
March 26, 2018 by Lance T. on Texas Gun Trust
the response time from Texas Trust is amazing. I asked them to make some changes to my trust and got them done in less than an hour.
March 22, 2018 by Art H. on Texas Gun Trust
I was getting ready to send my Form 4 to the ATF after my Class 3 Ddealer said everything looked good. I decided to go ahead and have you guys review everything before I sent it off. Thank God I did! You guys found 3 mistakes that would have caused a delay. Can’t thank you enough for your awesome customer service.
March 22, 2018 by Paul P. on Texas Gun Trust
Filling out Form 4 has never been easier. Way to go.
March 20, 2018 by Russ T. on Texas Gun Trust
I got the Protection Package for my gun trust. That thing is absolutely the way to go. I figured it would be a cheapie binder, but it was really nice. Really cool logo and Reece T. of my trust on the front looks really nice and the laminated gun trust is great. But the page covers are the best. My original documents are going to be safe forever.
March 17, 2018 by John G. on Texas Gun Trust
I got my Texas Gun Trust in under two hours and was very happy. I immediately knew I had made the right choice. Texas Gun Trust wrote me a letter explaining that I had Noah R.d myself as the successor and the ATF would delay or deny my applications if the successor wasn’t changed. They went ahead and made my wife the successor (I had her listed as a co-trustee and beneficiary) and said if I wanted someone else as the successor they would made the change free of charge. No chance the other company would have caught that! Texas Gun Trust saved me months of wait time by avoiding an ATF delay or even an outright denial.
March 14, 2018 by Catherine K. on Texas Gun Trust
My trust is so much more detailed than the others I have seen. I am super impressed with Texas Gun Trust!
March 12, 2018 by Stan A. on Texas Gun Trust
Wish I would have used you guys for my 1st Gun Trust. It was a terrible 5 page fill in the blank piece of crap. But you guys really hooked me up. the trust is way more professional and the professional portfolio looks great.
March 5, 2018 by Doug R. on Texas Gun Trust
March 2, 2018 by Jack R. on Texas Gun Trust
Very pleased with my gun trust. And thank you for making all of the changes to quickly. I figured it would take a couple of days at the minimum to get my amendment, but I got it the same day.
February 29, 2018 by Benjamin W. on Texas Gun Trust
You guys are unbelievable thorough. Can’t thank you enough.
February 27, 2018 by Brad J. on Texas Gun Trust
Use these guys! My gun Trust is the real deal and cheaper than the rest of the competition. I found them when the guy at my gun store said I should use them. He sees all different kinds of gun trusts and said this one is by far the best.
February 22, 2018 by Kyle L. on Texas Gun Trust
Thanks for reviewing my Form 1, Probably would have been denied if you hadn’t found those mistakes.
February 21, 2018 by Roger B. on Texas Gun Trust
The shrunk gun trust that is laminated is perfect for attaching to my gun bag. I always have a copy with me and it stays clipped in place.
February 18, 2018 by Tyson M. on Texas Gun Trust
The automatic form system is really easy to use. My hat goes off to your company for such a great product. i have filled out several ATF forms in the past and I always spend a couple of hours googling questions about what I am supposed to put in the answers. Not any more. I was always positive about what was supposed to go in for each question and my final form 4 looks perfect. I don’t know how you do it, but my form was in my email almost automatically. You have a great servcie.
February 14, 2018 by Oscar I. on Texas Gun Trust
Great company. Use Texas Gun Trust and you won’t regret it!
February 12, 2018 by Ned V. on Texas Gun Trust
I had 5 of my tax stamps laminated in the full size and in the small size. They arent kidding that the materials are high quality. my tax stamps look great and will be protected forever. I am getting my gun trust laminated next. Thanks!
February 8, 2018 by Zach E. on Texas Gun Trust
Your customer service is the best. I haven’t ever purchased a silencer before this and I ws really confused. I must have asked you guys at least 10 different questions and I got answers right away every time. I am sure the process is easier for people that have done this before, but I got a bunch of conflicting answers from people about how to do this (including the store where I got my suppressor) but you guys always gave me the right answers.
February 5, 2018 by Jack L. on Texas Gun Trust
I recommend Texas Gun trust to anyone that is considering buying or building Title II stuff. They make the process much easier and they are proced better than everyone else.
February 5, 2018 by Jacob N. on Texas Gun Trust
The small gun trust that is laminated is very nice and attaches to the strap of my gun bag. 5 Stars!
February 1, 2018 by Chric H. on Texas Gun Trust
I decided to get the protection package and I am glad I did. Everything was made just like the website said and it fits perfectly in my gun safe. Even if you don’t get the binder, definitely get the laminated trust, It is great.
January 30, 2018 by Erik A. on Texas Gun Trust
Can’t believe the price is so good for such an awesome product.
January 24, 2018 by Bill O. on Texas Gun Trust
Texas Gun trust is for real. I hear about them from AR15.com forum site and all of the great reviews were exactly right. Just look for your self and you won’t find a single bad thing. Thumbs up!
January 20, 2018 by Matt B. on Texas Gun Trust
My laminated gun trust looks great. thanks!
January 18, 2018 by Louis B. on Texas Gun Trust
Thank you for answering all of my questions. I was getting all kinds of different informtion about what I needed to do, but you always gave me the right answers. I suggest to people that they should stay away from the internet and stick to texas gun trust for every question about getting silencers.
January 15, 2018 by Tommy J on Texas Gun Trust
You guys are the best!
January 13, 2018 by Adam G. on Texas Gun Trust
The black executive portfolio looks really professional. I got one and then decided to get three more copies because it was so nice and didn’t cost very much.
January 12, 2018 by Oliver Y. on Texas Gun Trust
Thank you for my gun trust. It is obviously way more legitimate than the other ones I’ve seen.
January 10, 2018 by Oliver Y. on Texas Gun Trust
was recommended to texas gun trust by one of the Silencer shop guys. glad i listened. my trust is great and i got it really fast. but, i know one of the lawyers looked at it because they sent me an email about one of ny answers to make sure it was right.
January 7, 2018 by Juan H. on Texas Gun Trust
I bought the Texas Gun Trust Protection Package because I want to make sure my firearms documents dont ever get destroyed. As soon as I got it I decided to get all of my tax stamps laminated because everything looked so good.
January 5, 2018 by Lonnie J. on Texas Gun Trust
5 Stars!
January 1, 2018 by David D. on Texas Gun Trust
Thanks for answering all of my questions. I know a lot about Title II firearms, but there were a few things that I couldn’t find the right answers. You clearly know what you are talking about because you responded to my questions in minutes and sent me links to the ATF pages that showed me the answers you gave me were the correct ones. Thank you for all of your help.
December 28, 2017 by Stevie K. on Texas Gun Trust
December 27, 2017 by Troy T. on Texas Gun Trust
The directions packet is worth it’s weight in gold. Great job!
December 22, 2017 by Lee M. on Texas Gun Trust
Filling out my form 1 application with the texas form system was so nice
December 20, 2017 by Scott P. on Texas Gun Trust
I cant imagine there is a better product on the market. Use TGT and you will be happy.
December 18, 2017 by Bart M. on Texas Gun Trust
Superior in every way!
December 13, 2017 by Hector J. on Texas Gun Trust
I am very anal when it comes to my Title II documents. Even when I thought I found something that wasn’t right, Texas Gun Trust explained how the rules were a little different in my situation and showed me where the answer was in the National Firearms Act. This is the only gun trust you should be considering.
December 10, 2017 by Chris C. on Texas Gun Trust
Top Notch!
December 5, 2017 by George U. on Texas Gun Trust
I was directed to Texas Gun Trust by my Class 3 Dealer. They have used their gun trusts for a long time and never had any problems. So far I haven’t had any thing other than exceptional customer service. very imporessed!
December 1, 2017 by Fred O. on Texas Gun Trust
The form 4 and form 23 application system is great. I was expecting everything to be difficult, but it was just common sense. Why does the ATF try to make everything so difficult? Thanks!
November 27, 2017 by Omar O. on Texas Gun Trust
Very thorough and professional. Way nicer than the other gun trusts i’ve seen.
November 24, 2017 by Kent W. on Texas Gun Trust
I’ve made five changes to my gun trust since I got it. Every time I get super fast service and a great finished product. You have my vote!
November 21, 2017 by Ralph D. on Texas Gun Trust
My mini gun trust is perfect. It clips onto my rifle case and it stays put. The coating on the pages is way better than the other stuff I have had laminated. Thanks for making such a great product!
November 20, 2017 by Ted W. on Texas Gun Trust
I am a big fan of Texas Gun Trust. My gun trust is very comprehensive and the form 1 and 4 spplications are a lot easier. Also, my laminated documents look great. verything at a very reasonable price.
November 14, 2017 by Stan V. on Texas Gun Trust
You guys have made corrections to almost everything i sent in. I dont know how people can buy gun trusts that are done in 5 minutes. you guys must have spent at least an hour loking at my stuff. Thanks for the hard work.
November 13, 2017 by Paul L. on Texas Gun Trust
Get the mini gun trust. It’s great. The only downside is that everyone at the gun range want to look at it because they want one.
November 10, 2017 by Henry I. on Texas Gun Trust
Thanks for answering all of my questions. You make getting silencers easy.
November 7, 2017 by Stewart M. on Texas Gun Trust
I am very happy with my gun trust. I’ve seen a lot of different gun trusts and mine is better than all of them.
November 2, 2017 by Walden N. on Texas Gun Trust
I would give you 6 stars if there was an option for above and beyond. You guys are great!
October 24, 2017 by Jerry S. on Texas Gun Trust
Thank you for responding to all of my questions so promptly. You definitely know what you are talking about.
October 21, 2017 by Neil T. on Texas Gun Trust
I love my laminated documents. I got my gun trust, 6 form 4s and 3 form 1s laminated. Everything is hole punched and fits in my binder perfectly.
October 20, 2017 by Carl R. on Texas Gun Trust
You guys are the best!
October 17, 2017 by Thomas G. on Texas Gun Trust
Thanks for taking time to explain how to get started with buying my silencer
October 13, 2017 by Seth J. on Texas Gun Trust
I read several reviews about Texas Gun Trust on different gun forumns and everyone agreed that they provide a great product. They were all right on target
October 13, 2017 by Bobby R. on Texas Gun Trust
Exactly as advertised!
October 6, 2017 by Lucas D. on Texas Gun Trust
Why doesn’t the ATF replace their horrible forms with the form system from your website? What a great service!
October 5, 2017 by Tony S. on Texas Gun Trust
Definitely use Texas Gun Trust!
October 2, 2017 by Roy R. on Texas Gun Trust
Thank you for reviewing my form 4. I feel so much better about everything knowing you guys looked it over before I sent it in.
September 25, 2017 by Jack H. on Texas Gun Trust
You guys have every document in the world. I just created the memo of contribution and did my certificate of trust the orther day. Everything is fast and accurate.
September 22, 2017 by William N. on Texas Gun Trust
I spent $499 on a gun trust from a different company last year and ended up not buing a silencer just then. When I finally got around to getting my silencer, I decided to have my trust updated first. I tried contacting the company that created my gun trust, but couldn’t get anyone to respond. Finally after the 4th email, they sent me an invoice for $199 to create an amendment. I said screw this and started all over with Texas Gun Trust. A brand new trust was way cheaper than the other company wanted just to make a change. Glad I decided to go with Texas Gun trust. They are very prompt about answering my questions and the gun trust is way better.
September 16, 2017 by Mark B. on Texas Gun Trust
texas Gun trust is the best. you cant go wrong.
September 15, 2017 by Alice A. on Texas Gun Trust
The Document Preservation Package is exactly what it claims to be. What an outstanding product! I don’t know how you can charge so little for everything as it has to cost you that much just for the materials. I really appreciate you providing such a quality product at such a low price. Thanks again!
September 11, 2017 by Hank P. on Texas Gun Trust
This is what you want!
September 3, 2017 by Charles K. on Texas Gun Trust
I read a bunch of your customer reviews before purchasing my gun trust. It was a bit hard to believe that everyone gave you five stars, so I decided not to pull the trigger right then. But, a few days later I was at the gun store when another guy was finishing up his form 4 and they were talking about Teexas Gun trust. I asked some questions and looked at his paperwork and realized you guys must be for real. I decided to go ahead and get my truat and I am happy to say that it was all true. You guys really do a fantastic job. Thank you.
August 29, 2017 by Scott W. on Texas Gun Trust
get the miniature laminated gun trust. it is perfect and you will never forget to have it with you because it clips to your case.
August 25, 2017 by Peter R. on Texas Gun Trust
Best customer service I have ever gotten on anything.
August 24, 2017 by Walter L. on Texas Gun Trust
Thank you for reviewing my Form 4. I don’t know if the mistake you found would have been nad enough to cause a delay, but I feel better knowing you guys reviewed everything.
August 17, 2017 by Anthony D. on Texas Gun Trust
By far the best product on the market at the best price. Definitely get the laminated gun trust, they are great!
The Best Texas NFA Gun Trust Available!
The Best Texas NFA Gun Trust Available!